UniSi Open Day 2024
On Tuesday, February 20, the University of Siena presents itself. A day dedicated to prospective freshmen to get to know the University of Siena and orient themselves in choosing their educational path.
By participating in the UniSi Open Day you will be able to:
- learn about degree programs and professional outlets;
- discover all the student services;
- visit the facilities and laboratories;
- talk to tutors and lecturers.
At university campuses, faculty members, young researchers, and student tutors will be available for presentations of degree programs and services.
The UniSi Open Day will take place in presence at the University's campuses. In Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto, and San Giovanni Valdarno.
Courses will be presented in the morning, in two time slots.
Choose the one most convenient for you!
- From 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- From 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Outside the classrooms where the orientation events will be held, student tutors will be available at special desks for one-on-one interviews, information on master's degree programs and demonstrations on lab activities.
Some presentations will also be held online. For more details, read the schedule for the course(s) you are interested in.
Reservations are required to participate in presence to the orientation events.
Area of Cultural Heritage, Humanities, Languages, History and Philosophy:
Department of History and cultural heritage, Polo didattico San Niccolò (via Roma, 56, Siena), Aula D pad.esterno:
1st cycle course (3 years) in HISTORY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (taught in Italian)
Department of Philology and literary criticism, Polo didattico di San Niccolò (via Roma, 56- Siena) Aula C pad.esterno:
1st cycle course (3 years) in STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY (taught in Italian)
Department of Philology and literary criticism, Campus Il Pionta (Viale Cittadini, 33, Arezzo):
1st cycle course (3 years) in LINGUE PER LA COMUNICAZIONE INTERCULTURALE E D'IMPRESA (taught in Italian)
Area of Engineering and Mathematics:
Department of Information engineering and mathematics, Polo didattico San Niccolò (via Roma, 56 Siena)- Aula 101:
1st cycle course (3 years) in INGEGNERIA GESTIONALE (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA E DELL'INFORMAZIONE (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in MATHEMATICS (taught in Italian)
Area of Physics, Environment, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geology:
Department of Physical sciences, Earth and environment, Polo didattico Pian de’ Mantellini, Piazzetta Enzo Tiezzi - Aula Magna e chiostro:
1st cycle course (3 years) in NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in PHYSICS AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in TECNOLOGIE PER LE COSTRUZIONI, L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO (new a.y. 2024-25) (taught in Italian)
Department of Life science, Polo didattico San Miniato (via Aldo Moro, 2, Siena), Aula 17:
1st cycle course (3 years) in AGRIBUSINESS (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (taught in Italian)
Department of Biotechnology, chemistry and pharmacy, Polo didattico San Miniato (via Aldo Moro, 2, Siena), Aula 16:
1st cycle course (3 years) in CHEMICAL SCIENCES (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (5 years) in PHARMACY (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (5 years) in CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIA FARMACEUTICHE (taught in Italian)
Area of Economics, Law, Political Science, Social Science:
School of Economics and Management, Polo didattico San Francesco (piazza S.Francesco, 7) Aula Cripta:
1st cycle course (3 years) in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (taught in English)
1st cycle course (3 years) in ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in ECONOMICS AND BANKING (taught in Italian)
Department of Social, political and cognitive sciences, Polo didattico San Niccolò (via Roma, 56, Siena), Aula 468:
1st cycle course (3 years) in COMMUNICATION SCIENCES (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in SOCIAL WORK (taught in Italian)
Department of Political and international sciences, Polo didattico Mattioli (via Mattioli, 10, Siena), Aula Cardini:
1st cycle course (3 years) in POLITICAL SCIENCE (taught in Italian)
Department of Law, Polo didattico Mattioli (via Mattioli, 10, Siena), Aula Magna:
1st cycle course (3 years) in LEGAL SERVICES (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (5 years) in LAW (taught in Italian)
Department of Social, political and cognitive sciences, Campus Il Pionta (Viale Cittadini, 33, Arezzo) - Aula 1:
1st cycle course (3 years) in EDUCATION (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (5 years) in SCIENZE PER LA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA (new a.y. 2024-25) (taught in Italian)
Area of Biotechnology, Medicine, Dentistry, Health Professions:
Department of Medical biotechnologies, Polo didattico San Miniato (via Aldo Moro, 2, Siena), Aula 12b:
1st cycle course (3 years) in DENTAL HYGIENE (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (5 years) in DENTISTRY AND DENTAL PROSTHODONTICS (taught in English)
Department of Medicine, surgery and neuroscience, Polo didattico di San Miniato (Via A.Moro, 2 - Siena) Aula 14 - Aula 12:
1st cycle course (3 years) in NURSING (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in PHYSIOTHERAPY (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in ORTHOPTIC AND OPHTALMOLOGIC ASSISTANCE (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in DIETISTIC (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY TECHNIQUES (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in AUDIOPROTHESIC TECHNIQUES (taught in Italian)
Long single cycle course (6 years) in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA (taught in Italian)
Department of Molecular and developmental medicine, polo didattico di San Miniato (Via A.Moro, 2 - Siena) Aula 11
1st cycle course (3 years) in BIOTECNOLOGIE (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in MIDWIFERY (taught in Italian)
1st cycle course (3 years) in ENVIRONMENT AND WORKPLACE PREVENTION TECHNIQUES (taught in Italian)